at Sea, second day - Tasmania to Dunedin, New Zealand
The Tasman Sea "Just as many Americans and Europeans refer to a trans-Atlantic journey as "hopping the pond", Kiwis and Aussies refer to the Tasman Sea voyage between their countries as "crossing the ditch". The Tasman was named for Dutchman Abel Janszoon Tasman, the first European to set foot on New Zealand and the island of Tasmania in the 1640s. Sailing to trade spices for the Dutch East India Company, he was also in search of "Beach", a fabled land recorded by Marco Polo to overflow with gold. Later, British explorer James Cook sailed these waters, famously passing by the entrance to Milford Sound, one of New Zealand's most breathtaking inlets, believing it too narrow to lead anywhere." Friday, 1/31 Last night we once again moved our clocks and watches ahead one hour. New Zealand's 2 main islands, North Island and South Island, both lie in the same time zone. So, to figure out what time it is back home....I just have ...